Strube stand at the DLG Field Days in Germany

News & Events

What's new at Strube? From events over field days through to new product developments, here you will find all news about our products and the company.

Agreement reached on the acquisition of Deleplanque, Strube and van Waveren by RAGT Semences

RAGT Semences and the Deleplanque Group have been in exclusive negotiations for a number of weeks and have now reached an agreement on the acquisition process. …

Tractor on the field sowing Strube sugar beet seeds

Final spurt in sugarbeet sowing: Watch on Instagram!

Overview of the Deleplanque Group

Plant Breeder Strube now 100% daughter of Deleplanque Group

Deleplanque announced today that it has reached an agreement with SUET to acquire 100% of Strube. This transaction will be completed by the second half of 2024…

May we introduce: our new spring wheat Lobster

Best in class in yield treated and untreated among the new registrations.

As its name suggests, Lobster has excellent water absorption.

Other benefits are its…

A hand sows Alternative Wheat

Optimal sowing time for our Alternative Wheat

Too late to sow winter wheat? But Alternative Wheat gives you the flexibility to sow until march!

SIP Delegates from UK with Pauline Deswarte (left), Richard Cogman (middle) and Andreas Böning (right)

SIP Delegates from UK visited Söllingen and Schlanstedt

We were delighted to welcome the 14 participants of the 2023/24 Sugar Industry Programme (SIP) at Söllingen and Schlanstedt on the 18th of January.

Broschures & flyer

Brochures & flyer

Interesting information about products, Strube and our service.

Strube Seed: Scientific publications

Scientific papers

Latest news about new analysis methods.

Video camera on the field

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