Your contact at Strube

Your contact at Strube

You have a question about our products or would like to inform yourself about the company? Contact us directly or write us a message. We will be pleased to help you.

Strubes headquarter in Söllingen, Lower Saxony.
Strube D&S GmbH
Hauptstraße 1, 3837 Söllingen

+49 (0) 5354 809 930

+49 (0) 5354 809 937

Strube D&S GmbH
Neue Straße 11, 38838 Schlanstedt

+49 (0) 5354 809 930

+49 (0) 5354 809 937

Strubes ancestral seat in Schlanstedt, Upper Saxony.

Consultation with Strube

Sugar price since 2017

Sugar price

We regularly track sugar prices on the London and New York stock exchanges for you. The monthly European sugar prices are published by the EU Commission.

Checking the sugar beet leaf for diseases and pests with a magnifying glass

Cultivation Lexicon Sugar Beet

Learn more about ercospora, virus yellows, mildew, beet rust, rhizoctonia, nematodes and many other diseases and pests.

Cross-section of a sunflower head during seed development

Cultivation lexicon Sunflower

Which soil is suitable for cultivation? What fertilisation is necessary? What is the best sowing density? We answer these and other questions in our small lexicon.