Strube stand at the DLG Field Days in Germany

News & Events

What's new at Strube? From events over field days through to new product developments, here you will find all news about our products and the company.

Strube Bowflag mit Logo

VisionBlue: Trend-setting, profitable and sustainable

Strube in process of new strategic orientation

Together against blood cancer: DKMS-typing at Strube

Employees of the plant breeding company Strube supported the DKMS (German Bone Marrow Donation Agency) in their fight against blood cancer with a typing in the…

Strube seed new varieties clemens and wilson

wilson and clemens are Strube’s new sugar beet varieties

On February 7th 2019, the Federal Plant Variety Office approved two new sugar beet varieties for the Söllinger seed company Strube after two years of testing.

Strube NIRS Sugar beet

NIRS for Quantification of Oil Content in Intact Sugar Beet Seed

In addition to define the ingredients of beet pulp NIRS is used to identify the oil content of sugar beet seed.

PhenoBob counts and measures sugar beet plants.

PhenoBob starts work: Robot counts and measures plants

For the first time, the seed breeder Strube has – on its sugar beet trial fields – deployed a fully automated process for field-emergence counting and for…

Strube seed new wheat varieties

Outstanding quality: Strube‘s new wheat varieties

High-performance, vital and reliable: wheat varieties from the seed breeding company Strube convince also internationally.

Press Contact

Strube D&S GmbH
Communication & Marketing 
Hauptstraße 1 
38387 Söllingen


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Strube Seed: Scientific publications

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