Change of ownership / New beginning at Strube

The companies Deleplanque & Cie and SUET Saat- und Erntetechnik GmbH have acquired the seed company Strube on 1st April 2018. Deleplanque, SUET and Strube have been working together closely for several decades and

complement each other in their activities.


Deleplanque is an independent French seed company. Theseed business of Deleplanque is divided equally between the production of sugar beet, hybridcereal, sunflower and vegetable seeds. Deleplanque is the exclusive distributorof Strube’s sugar beet varieties on the French market and oversees Strube’s field trials in France and Belgium.

SUET Saat- und Erntetechnik GmbH is a medium-sized, independent family business that has been processing high-quality seeds of all kinds. The company’s activities focus on the pillaging and incrustation of sugar beet seed and seeds from other crops.

With the takeover of the entire Strube Group by Deleplanque and SUET, a very good solution has been found for the three companies, from which they can result strengthened. “Through the merger, our renowned family businesses will jointly build a long-term project with new dynamics. The merger allows for even closer cooperation. We will secure our business and open up new markets.”, explains Christian Knolle, CEO of SUET. 

Eric Verjux, CEO of Deleplanque, adds: “We aspire to become one of the leading seed companies in Europe. Against this background, the acquisition of the Strube Group is an important step for us. This puts the entire value chain in one hand: from the breeding and the seed production to the delivery of the products to our customers. We have access to unique genetic resources and will intensify our research to be able to continually present new and innovative solutions to the market.”

Further information about the change of ownership of the seed company Strube can be found in the following press release:

Press release Deleplanque and SUET (EN)


Source: Strube D&S GmbH

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